Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Gabriel Harvey, 1552-1631: Sonnet IIII

THE iolly Fly dispatch'd his silly selfe ;
What Storyes quaint of many a douty Fly,
That read a Lecture to the ventrous Elfe?
Yet he will haue his lusty swing, to dy.
Currage, and sturring witt in time do well :
But that same obstinate Desperation,
A furious fiend of selfe-deuouring Hell,
Rushing with terrible Commination,
(What storme so hideous, as Rages spell?)
Concludes with horrible Lamentation :
Each blessed tongue accurse malediction,
The vgly mouth of ruthfull confusion.
     Nothing so doulcely sweete, or kindly deare,
     As sugred lippes, and Harts delicious cheare.


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